The Difference Between a Tree Branch and a Limb

You’ll sometimes hear us refer to parts of the tree as branches or limbs. It can sometimes be confusing as the two can almost seem the same. So let’s clear up what we mean by a branch and a limb.

How are Tree Branches Defined?

Tree branches are defined as a woody structure growing out from the trunk/stem or a limb. (Stem is another name for the trunk in trees.).

Branches help to transport water and nutrients from the leaves down into the trunk.

When you have multiple branches coming off one another they are referred to as:

First-order branches – Connecting to the tunk

Second-order branches – Connecting to first-order branches

Third-order branches – Connecting to second-order branches

How are Tree Limbs Defined?

Tree limbs are similar to branches, but are defined more specifically as larger, first-order structures which are typically at least 4 inches thicker (or 3-4 times) than your standard branch (agreed by most experts).

The functions of tree limbs can be very similar to branches, however, limbs can also take on the role of the trunk for some trees.

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