What to do When a Tree Branches Break?

Most people might not think it, but a significant break of a branch from a tree can be very damaging, particularly if there is a delay in treating the tree.

Assess What Damage is Done

Start by checking the damage done to the tree.

  • Are there major limbs broken?
  • Are the wounds left from the broken branch significant?
  • Would you need help to clear the branches and repair the damage?

How to clear the branches

Broken branches should be removed as soon as possible to prevent decay which can enter via the wound left behind.

Remove or prune the smaller broken branches first. Then clear and prune the larger branches.

Safety tips when clearing branches

  • Be sure to clear loose branches from the floor
  • Call an arborist if any large branches hang over power lines

Once you have cleared the branches and assessed the damage you can determine what action to take. Trees are capable of healing themselves if the damage and wounds are minor. You can sometimes give a little helping hand but eventually, the tree will heal and stop decay from ravaging it.

  • Ripped bark – You can use a knife to smooth out the edges where the branch ripped off. The tree can then repair itself.
  • Major damage? – Are there several major limbs affected? Does the tree look like its’ days are numbered? Prune the branches carefully and allow the tree time to recover itself. In the meantime, you can also speak to a tree surgeon to determine if any other action should be taken.
  • Severe damage? – Is it really clear that the tree won’t survive? Is there too much damage? Be wary of DIY tree care. Trees can cause hidden dangers that non-professionals are not wary of. It’s best to leave the handling of this to a professional.

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