Improper tree trimming

Why Improper Trimming Is Dangerous For Your Trees?

The Dangers of Improper Tree Trimming

Trimming a tree can have multiple benefits. The most common is that it keeps the people around it safe because a dead branch can fall from a tree and endanger nearby people, vehicles, power lines, and other objects. It also encourages tree growth and maintains the structure of the tree.  

While tree trimming is an essential step in maintaining your landscape, improper trimming can make your trees vulnerable to diseases and pathogens and put the tree in danger. It is important to understand how improper trimming can ruin your trees and why it is essential that the job is left to the professionals. Improper tree trimming can result in irreparable damage to the tree, compromising its health and stability.

Neglecting proper techniques and guidelines during tree trimming can lead to hazardous conditions and potential risks for nearby structures and individuals. Here are some of the common reasons why improper tree trimming is dangerous for your trees:  

Inadequate nutrition for the tree 

When a tree is trimmed improperly, it can impact its ability to produce chlorophyll and carry out photosynthesis. When a large amount of foliage and important branches are removed, it will affect the tree’s ability to prepare its food. Inadequate nutrition can affect the overall health and well-being of the tree and eventually cause its death.  

Poor structure 

When the wrong tools and techniques are used for tree trimming, it can ruin the structure of the tree. There are tree pruning standards that must be followed. For example, in a younger tree, it may be safe to remove as much as 50% of the foliage, but in very mature trees, no more than 10% of the foliage should be removed. Over-trimming of the tree can lead to poor branch structure and may create a top-heavy structure. It can also expose the truck to harsh sunlight during sunlight and lead to sun scalding.  

Improper tree trimming can cause Interior sprouting 

When too much of the crown is removed, it can allow sunlight to filter in and create an irregular growth pattern. Too much sunlight can scald the tree bark and start interior sprouting. Epicormic sprouts, also known as “water sprouts” or “suckers,” are growth that emerges from dormant buds along the branches and trunk of a tree.

The sprouts that receive the most sunlight often grow rapidly into large limbs that can reduce the quality of the branch or trunk. A practice called lion-tailing is often used to remove the sprout growth partially or entirely. However, this is not recommended as it causes stress in the tee, and the lion-tailed branches are prone to breaking under heavy winds.  

Decay and death 

In the worst-case scenario, the tree can succumb to the damage caused by improper trimming. When small stems and branches are cut away, it creates wounds that need to heal. Proper healing is important to preserve the structural strength of the tree. For this reason, it is important to ensure that during tree trimming, the cuts that are made are small and heal faster. 

Importance of Professional Expertise and Proper Techniques in Tree Trimming

Improper tree trimming practices can have detrimental effects on tree health, aesthetics, and overall safety. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize professional expertise and adherence to proper techniques to avoid the negative consequences associated with improper tree trimming.

A trained professional will remove branches at the collar while protecting the bark ridge, the section where the trunk and the branch meet. They cut in a way that leaves enough tissue for the tree to heal itself. However, when the tree is trimmed improperly, it can create large wounds that can take a long time to heal. Eventually, this can lead to decay or even death of the tree. 

If you don’t want to lose your tree to improper trimming, get in touch with our team for professional tree trimming services. We have a team of experienced professionals and the latest tools to ensure that your trees remain healthy and attractive after the trimming. 


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