trim trees

4 Reasons Why It’s a Good Practice to Trim Trees in the Spring Season

Trim trees to keep them healthy and looking great!

Cutting, trimming, and pruning the trees is an important part of garden maintenance and it should be done with due care. Although many arborists suggest trimming trees in winter (dormant season), it doesn’t mean you can’t trim trees in the Spring.

That said, here are 5 reasons why it is a good practice to trim a tree in the spring season.

1. Early Spring as the Best Time

The dormant season (the period of inactivity for plants) starts with winter, and it does not end until early spring. Considering this fact Early March is a good time to go ahead and reshape your garden according to your wishes. The trees and plants will grow back well for the rest of the season.

2. Safety Concerns

Overgrowing trees could cause safety concerns to you and your family. Trim tress  to remove dying, broken, dead, or decaying branches during the spring to keep your backyard free from any unwanted safety issues. You will not only keep your yard and home safe, but the trees will also grow back within a short time and keep your backyard green and lush enough.

3. Trimming for Aesthetics

As talked about above already, trimming in spring could be done for the aesthetics as well. Spring is the best time to trim tress by pruning the trees, bushes, and young plants. Once they get trimmed properly, the younger plants will be able to grow throughout the season and you’ll have no issues keeping your garden aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

4. Tree Wounds Heal Better

Trim trees during the dormant season so the tree wounds could heal in a minimal time as compared to summers or fall.  If you trim and reshape a tree in early spring, it will bloom even better and add extra beauty to your backyard.

Trees that are Better to Trim in Spring

After they are done blooming, you can prune and trim the following trees in the spring season:

  • Chokecherry
  • Apricot
  • Dogwood
  • Magnolia
  • Lilac
  • Flowering plum
  • Juneberry and
  • Flowering Cherry.

Apart from these trees, you can also trim walnut, birch, and maple trees during the spring season.

Trees to Avoid Trimming in Spring:

Some trees that you should avoid trimming during spring are as follows:

Oak Trees: Trimming oak in spring can cause oak wilt, which is not good for its growth.

Elm Trees: Pruning elm trees could welcome the Dutch elm disease during spring.

Sycamore Trees: Avoid trimming a sycamore tree to reduce the chances of anthracnose disease.

Honeylocust Trees: Trimming these trees could increase the chances of getting stem cankers.

Pear Trees: Avoid cutting branches of pear trees to reduce the fireblight disease in them.

Final Takeaways:

While many arborists and gardeners recommend pruning and trimming trees during winter, spring is still a good time to trim.

You can trim and prune the trees in your yard for safety purposes, and to give your backyard a new look.

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